
Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Shepherd of Hermas: Seventh Mandate

...Fear the LORD...and keep HIS commandments. By keeping HIS commandments, you will be powerful in every deed, and your activity will be beyond criticism. For when you fear the LORD you will do everything well. This is the fear you must have to be saved. But do not fear the devil, for if you fear the LORD you will rule over the devil, because he has no power. And where there is no power, there is no fear. But where there is glorious power, there also is fear. For everyone who has power has fear, whereas the one who has no power is despised by everyone.

But do fear the works of the devil, because they are evil. When you fear the LORD you will fear the devil's works and not do them, but will have nothing to do with them.

Fear, therefore, is of two kinds. If you want to do something evil, fear the LORD and you will not do it. But on the other hand, if you want to do good, fear the LORD and you will do it. So the fear of the LORD is powerful and great and glorious. Fear the LORD, therefore, and you will live to HIM, and whoever fears the LORD and keeps HIS commandments will live to GOD. ...

...every creature fears the LORD, but not all keep HIS commandments. Life with GOD, therefore, belongs to those who fear HIM and keep HIS commandments, but those who do not keep HIS commandments do not have life in HIM, either. --The Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate 7 (mid second century AD)

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