
Thursday, May 24, 2012

St. Barsanuphius of Gaza: Blessing of the Great Elder

May the LORD JESUS, the SON of the BLESSED GOD MOST HIGH, empower and strengthen you for the receiving of the HOLY SPIRIT, that HE may come and by HIS Good Presence teach you about all things, and enlighten your hearts and guide you in all truth: and may I see you flourishing as palm-trees in the Paradise of my FATHER and GOD: and may you be found as a fruit-laden olive tree in the midst of the Saints, and as a fruitful vine in the Divine Place, all true. And may the LORD count you worthy to drink of the Well of Wisdom. For already as many as have drunk thereof have forgotten themselves, becoming all outside the old man: and from the Well of Wisdom they have been guided to another Well, of Love which never faileth. And coming to this rank, they have attained to the unwandering and undistracted measure, becoming all mind, all eye, all living, all light, all perfect, all gods. They have toiled, they have been magnified, they have been glorified, they have been clarified, they have lived, since first they died. They are gladdened and make glad. They are gladdened in the INDIVISIBLE TRINITY, and they make glad the Heavenly Powers. Desire their rank, run their race, be zealous for their faith, obtain their humility, their endurance in all things, that you may win their inheritance. Hold to their love which fails not, that you may be found with them in the good things that none can utter, where eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, what GOD hath prepared for those that love HIM. But as to quiet--for the present train thyself yet a little, and GOD works HIS mercy. GOD will enlighten your hearts to understand the meanings herein contained. For they are hard of understanding to him who has not come to their measure. Forgive me, and pray for me, that I may not fall short of this measure, unworthy that I be. --St. Barsanuphius of Gaza

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