Thursday, June 21, 2012

St. Silouan The Athonite: When The Soul Has Come To Know The LORD

All ye peoples of the earth, see how greatly the LORD loves you; how in HIS mercy HE calls you to HIMSELF:

"Come unto ME, and I will give you rest" (S. Mt. XI:28).

"I will give rest both on earth and in heaven, and ye shall behold MY Glory."

"Ye are not able to understand this now, but the HOLY SPIRIT will give you to comprehend MY love toward you."

"Tarry not, come unto ME. I await you with longing, like dear children, and I will give you peace, and ye shall abide in joy, and your joy shall be everlasting."

Dear brethren, I weep as I write these lines.

When the soul has come to know the LORD in the HOLY SPIRIT she stands in ceaseless wonder before GOD's compassion, before HIS majesty and might, and the LORD HIMSELF by HIS grace mercifully teaches the soul good and humble designs -- as a mother teaches a beloved child -- and makes the soul to feel HIS Presence, that HE is near, and the soul in humility contemplates the LORD with pure contemplation. --St. Silouan the Athonite

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